2014 Club shirts

Hello folks - 

Being a club and all, its been suggested that we have custom bowling shoes and t-shirts. Given that my best bowling years are now behind me, I worked on a t-shirt design.

I submit version 1 to you all for thoughts, feedback, and commentary. Being international-thinking and all, I looked back to posters from the real ACF (Automobile Club de France) grand prix posters. But since most of our glory days are the 80’s with Group B, I’ve got those cars subbed in for now - Lancia 037, Rothman’s 911, and Citroen BX 4TC. 

Let me know what you think. Zazzle.com is the place I’d like go to get them produced as you can do small runs for reasonable prices, but if anyone has other ideas or good experiences elsewhere let me know.

Once we get the design finalized, I’ll take orders and sizes.

Haven’t heard back from too many of you about karting. Give it a minute or two if you could. If you have no interest, feel free to just let me know. Alex and I are looking at joining a couple races in the endurance league - May 19th and June 23rd (Mondays) - and it would be great to have a third driver join so us so we don’t get smoked by the young and virile teams out there. Arrival time is 6:30 and probably runs to 9 or so. Any takers?

Sebring is this weekend on the telly, I think. And Alberto is hitting Lime Rock for autocross soon on 3/8. Let’s hope he doesn’t have to shovel the track first...

Hope vacation is treating you well!


3 responses
I really like this. Group B is near and dear to my heart, on my bucket list would be to drive a Group B car, and my favorite would probably be the Lancia 037. I vote yay for this.
At the risk of sounding stodgy, the 80s were ugly then and they are still ugly today. I vote to match the cars to the great heyday of poster design 30s - 60s... Any way to bring the FASRI connection (bunch of Dad’s connected by rushing to school). Perhaps tie the grande vitesse lone into that… At the end of the day you are making the effort and I will proudly wear whatever you choose. RL
I will defend the group B cars of the 80's. Yes, the styling was not as classic as that of the 30's-60's, but at that point they were unconcnerned by image: it was function over form. That said the cars still made a huge hit stylistically, but I have to add that unless you have either seen, or at least seen videos of those cars perform, each with such a character and flair from the other, you cannot give Group B a fair shake. When you hear the noise, the noise...... A brief video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe0uPHIpQEo If you want a longer view to learn about the idiosyncrasies, characters and quirks of the Group B rally era supercars, rough around the edges as they were: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxOfk_FbQM8 In terms of maximum enjoyment, IMHO the 80's had the most fun cars because there was enough technology to make them go really fast, but no technology to make them safe, heavy, porky and boring. IE look at the Tesla, perhaps the best car ever made under every objective ratings system, yet it's a lot less fun to drive than the sum of its parts would suggest. In other words, while not attractive eye candy for posters or Tshirts, you have to really see those 80's cars attacking a mountain road in anger to appreciate them for what they were. And once you realize the spirit of those cars was about driving them at maximum attack on a twisty road, you'll get the goose bumps and start to want your car to be a wee bit louder and have more power oversteer.