For the love of the P.T. Cruiser

Too funny to not share:

"Mental image:

An old Dodge Aries slowly trundles up a hill. Halfway to the top, the entire hood bursts into a raging conflagration. The driver sighs, pulls the parking brake, turns the car off, pops the hood, and steps out. He walks to the back and opens the trunk.

The trunk is literally full of fire extinguishers.

He chooses one and closes the trunk, then walks back to the front of the car and unloads the entire thing under the hood.

As the smoke and dust clears, the driver walks to the nearest trash can and tosses the fire extinguisher in. He closes the hood, gets back in the car, turns it on, and resumes driving up the hill."

1 response
This was basically a Dodge Neon station wagon. If I remember my (then) girlfriend's Neon, it was 4 years old and it devoured a quart of oil every week. You could tell where it was parked because it would weep oil overnight, and anytime it idled for more than a few seconds a billowing cloud of foul smelling, thick smoke would surround the car. Her father was mechanically inclined, washed the motor many times, tried to find the leak any which way he could, to no avail. When I saw she went to Benny's once a week to buy a quart of oil at a time for 4 dollars each, I felt bad for her. One day, she was moved to tears by my generosity as I bought her 2 cases of the cheapest motor oil I could find. Now she got borderline offended that "I spent so much money" on her, but in truth this was back when cheap motor oil was a dollar a quart at BJ's. That way for a long time she had oil....